Apocalypse Cruise Ship Love Affair
25th – 29th Oct 2016
Above the Arts Theatre
Producer Beach Comet
Book/music/lyrics Theo McCabe and Steve Duffy
Director Theo McCabe
About the show:
“When sea-crazed Captain Bleufonde steers his cruise ship towards an apocalyptic storm to resurrect his dead lover, it seems the end is nigh for all on board. While long-suffering First Mate Fittles struggles to maintain order and the elderly clientele struggle to maintain sobriety, new Cruise Director Hanks Leeroys has to balance his on-board duties with being an incompetent libertine – and meeting Sister Evie Lowe, the most beautiful nun he’s ever seen, on a quest to meet her birth mother before doomsday falls. As passions grow and the waters get stormy, will love overcome all at the end of the world in this fast-paced musical romp”?
Review by Richard Lambert, 3 Stars ***
This musical is set on the deck of a cruise ship. With love triangles all around and an impending Apocalypse. All you need is a nun. Yep, there’s one of those also!
The story is fun, the songs high camp, the costumes from a saucy postcard, this show has everything for a hen party to enjoy. The characters are hilarious! Throw in a 3 piece live band in the corner but put the bass guitarist upstage right (cos he’s cute as a button in hawaiian shirt and flip flops) and you’ve got a fun night out!
The Set is so simple but really effective: wooden posts with rope in-between, bunting, light festoon, a ship’s wheel and 2 deck chairs. You immediately know you’re on deck. This could be a set borrowed straight from “hi de hi”!!!!
If I had one criticism it would be with the singing. Harmonies, brief and occasional, were far from harmonious! But it didn’t really detract from the fun of the song.
The choreography perfectly blends into the piece. The script is peppered with double-entrendres. “Puppy cock” instead of “poppy cock”. It’s a riot!
It’s a brave production that invites Press to their Opening Show. However, the show was Cued well even if dark faces in some places. Most noticeably when the nun is half in and out of the bright centre spot and with her dialogue accidentally rocks in and out of this special. This can happen on Opening Shows and I’m sure will be addressed for subsequent performances.
Definitely see this fun show for some song and laughter.
Venue Above the Arts Theatre, Great Newport Street, London WC2H 7JB
Ticket Price £12/£10 weekdays, £14/£12 weekend
Box Office Arts Theatre West End (artstheatrewestend.co.uk), 020 7836 8463
Links Facebook (facebook.com/ApocalypseCruiseShipLoveAffair)
Twitter (@beachcomet)
Bandcamp (apocalypsecruiseshiploveaffair.bandcamp.com)