Darkroom Diaries
Marlborough Theatre
12th to 14th May 2017
“Dutch comedian Johan Goossens is looking for love in all the wrong places. Dive with him into the darkrooms of Amsterdam. “Are you safe?” “Yes I am safe.” “Ok great. Then we don’t need a condom… ” Have you ever had this conversation? Then this show is for you. About poppers, PREP and to rim or not to rim. For all gays, and for straights with a strong stomach“.
Review by Richard Lambert, 3 Stars
Johan sings and recounts stories reflecting on his own experiences or observations of human nature. He’s very personable, very funny and relates well. We can all identify with most of his show – whether gay, straight, a nun or a whippet – we’ve all been there to some degree.
He asks the audience questions. He includes and quickly engages them all with natural charm and wit. He validates his story with audience verification breaking up the evening with the occasional few funny songs accompanied by his guitar.
This is defintely a show for Adults! However, the show is neither tacky nor sleazy, you leave on a high with a song in your heart knowing you’ve just met a lovely young man who’s shared some insights and some of his own story.