The Giant’s Loo Roll
22nd to 30th Oct 2016
Monday – Sunday (not Wednesday), 1pm
Arts Thearte
TaleGate Theatre Productions
Based on The Giant’s Loo Roll by Nicholas Allan
Director/Book/Lyrics James Worthington
Music Kate Lindsey
Age Range 2+ yrs
“Edinburgh kids show hit The Giant’s Loo Roll transfers to London! This fabulously funny and brilliantly bouncy musical adaptation of Nicholas Allan’s much loved book will play lunchtimes at the Arts Theatre this October”.
The children loved this midday show! And that’s what it’s all about!
They laughed, clapped, danced, sang-a-long…..and had a brilliant time!
You’ll be surrounded by children thoroughly engaged in the on-stage antics of the 2 energetic performers as they twerked and marched merrily through the funny script. Simple story and jokes hit the mark and the children had a great time.
The Set looks great, the sound’s good, I’m sure the lighting will be fine as they were adjusting it during the show and no doubt recording the Qs as they went.
I would have enjoyed my time if I’d been allowed to stay in my seat and watch them all having a good time.
Unfortunately I had to stand and clap to avoid being berated for a 2nd time from the stage for not wanting to clap along and sing “Thump, thump, Thumpity-thump.” Yes, my idea of hell on earth had arrived!
I unfortunately could quite make it back for the 2nd half.
Go with your children, don’t go alone! It’s only 90 minutes long – they’ll love it!
(Review by Richard Lambert)
Running Time 90 minutes (incl. interval)
Venue Arts Theatre, Great Newport Street, London WC2H 7JB
Ticket Price £20
Box Office Arts Theatre West End (artstheatrewestend.co.uk), 020 7836 8463
Links Website (talegatetheatre.co.uk)
Facebook (facebook.com/TaleGateTheatre)
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Author’s Website (nicholasallan.co.uk)