The Mikado
22nd March to 21st April 2018
King’s Head Theatre
Further Info
“Charles Court Opera return to the King’s Head Theatre for their final production in the historic original venue; a smart, stylish, sparkling fresh version of the most loved of Gilbert and Sullivan’s comic masterpieces, The Mikado, with a brand new production design, and a typically classy CCO twist.
Behind the closed doors at the British Consulate in the town of Titipu, Japan, the scheming, slippery Lord High Executioner is about to hatch one plot too far, with far-reaching and hilarious consequences for everyone involved, especially when the Mikado himself arrives…
With such timeless comic songs as A wandering minstrel, I, I’ve got a little list and Three little maids from school and a brand new setting, this punchy and hilarious satire promises to be a treat for operetta lovers and newcomers alike.”
Across the board reviewers and audience alike LOVE this production. It’s a classy, lush, quality production in the wonderfully bijou King’s Head Theatre. Unlike traditional Opera, this gem of a show is in a 110 seat venue which totally engages the audience. Well known songs, comedy, a plot that will tickle your fancy and just the most amazing singing ever this is the show to see if you like Opera, if you’ve never seen Opera, if you don’t think you’d like Opera. This show is for you!
This is why London Fringe Theatre is sooo good and worth choosing in preference to the West End shows.
This unfunded Fringe venue, led by Adam Spreadbury-Maher (Artistic Director) and Fiona English (Executive Director) did 81 productions last year and is an innovative leader in the live entertainment business.
The show will sell out. It’s not a lottery, it’s 1st come 1st served so don’t delay getting tickets or you’ll be disappointed!
Here’s what the Reviewers are saying:
What’s on Stage, 5 Stars
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“Savournin’s direction never misses a beat, and Damian Czarnecki’s breakneck choreography helps propel it uncut (bar the overture) in a whizz of time. Every word is audible and squeezed for its last ounce of fun. Dialogue is so precise it could have been lifted from The Crown, and thanks to their impeccable comic timing all eight of the tireless players mint the show afresh.”
The Reviews Hub, 4.5 Stars
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“For anyone who has doubts about whether they will enjoy Gilbert and Sullivan, Charles Court Opera’s production will provide both an entertaining introduction to the genre, while instilling in newcomers expectations which larger scale productions would do well to match. For old hands, too, there is much to enjoy: not least, that one does not require the full size of the D’Oyly Carte Company to produce a classic with such enjoyable virtuosity.”
Culture Whisper, 5 Stars
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“As ingenious as origami, as joyful as cherry blossom, Charles Court Opera’s The Mikado is a treat at every level. You would be very lucky indeed to see an opera as fast, funny and skilful as this before the year is out. Best book your ticket for Japan now.”
Act Drop, 5 Stars
Click here
“Moreover, the proximity of the cast means that we hear every word of both the dialogue and the songs, and Damian Czarnecki’s choreography deftly utilises every inch of space, including the furniture, to keep the action flowing, sometimes to feverish effect.
Stylish direction from John Savournin means there’s never really a dull moment in this meticulously-created production which delivers a modernised rendition of Gilbert and Sullivan’s opera, offering bags of wry humour and outstanding singing.”
(Photo Credit Bill Knight)