Golden Goose Theatre
14th to 18th Nov 2023
Medusa used to be a star. From girlhood stage and screen appearances, she grew up to write the ultimate break-up album. She has been castigated, diminished and demonised for it ever since.
Percy wants to be a hero. But abandoned by his girlfriend, his life turns inwards in reality and outwards to an internet community ready to encourage his rage into hatred and violent anger.
Venom brings them together in the familiar shape of the Medusa myth but turns the narrative on its head – questioning the monstrousness of the Gorgon and how heroic an act her murder truly is.
Review by Richard Lambert, 3 Stars
The story definitely has something within it. It blends the myth into a modern setting of toxic masculinity, the adverse power of social media and consequences.
Emma has written a story that’s a starting point begging development. With an introductory section to set the scene, a few songs, and then an assailant, there is potential for a show that’s more complete. At 45 minutes this version is in its infancy.
WILL MEADOWS shines as Percy, the menacing male who has been deeply affected by EMMA BURNELL‘s Medusa.
Directed by Michael Palmer for Third Act Productions.
Music by Cristiano Tortioili
Lighting and Sound by Steven Cox
Tickets: Click here